
I was born in 1971 in Terni, which, at the end of the Nineties, was the steel town, the town of electric arc furnaces and of the production of hydroelectric power. I became involved in photography quite early and I immediately focused on the surrounding industrial landscape and on the relationship between the city and the factory.
I began a documentation work about the exploration of the industrial local areas and I tried to experiment every linguistic technique of photography, starting from the film in the dark room.
Year after year, the work became more important and it made me go on various journeys to Northern Africa, then Spain, Germany and Eastern Europe.
At the sametime, I took interest in using shooting devices in large format to depict more precisely perspectives and architectures. As such, I trained my gaze to recognize different types of industrial plants.
To educate the eye requires time, as in each photographic genre. Unraveling oneself among knots of tubes, junctions, chimneys, machineries and gears create an aesthetic, a connection between full and empty forms, a way to look at and to recognize their beauty.

Today I live in San Gemini, in the southern Umbrian countryside. I’m working on various photographic projects and I own a commercial activity in the kids’ fashion sector.



indirizzo / address

Pierclaudio Duranti
Località Molinelle, 293a
05029 - San Gemini (TR) - IT

telefono / phone

+39 3357110127


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